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Useful Reminder


Not to bad


Obviously necessary

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good and informative information

It was very interesting with the tyre situation, however the wording in the quaetions were slightly confusing.

Well structured and easy to follow

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

informative training course.

I found the manual handling course usfull and informative and a lot of common sense, but the practises can easily be forgoton in the heat of the moment when rushing around in the real world. but you only get one body so as the training course stated look after it.

Course was interesting.

It was refreshing as we take things for granted and back injury can happen so quickly due to not thinking first what you need to do.

Informative and helpful

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Very informative and useful information

Easy to access and complete

On the whole the course is satisfactory, I'm sure we have all at some point practiced moving a box ect as part of manual handling. So it's quite refreshing to have a part of the course dedicated to what you will actually be doing and not a generalisation. I do think that the tyre section could be expanded a little though. I personally would have liked to see tyres been put higher up in a lace, and also taken down. I'm sure a few minutes extra video time on tyres won't go amiss. Kind regards mick