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I would like to say that it's very important and an interesting course, that you can gain a lot of knowledge from, about medication and it will improve our understanding on this topic.

Easy to follow.

Informative and easy to follow.

Great course

Good course well set out

very valuable information to learn.

This course is important information to understand if you are administering medication to others.


Thank you

It's great

This course gave me an in depth understanding about medications and its administration, including the errors that can be abated when you follow through the principles correctly. Thank you!

Not enough detail

How and why to dispose of medication properly. Why signing for the giving of medication is so important should include the risk of overdose by another person giving the meds. More detail about cooercive giving of medication so that care staff know when to report this if it is seen happening. Something about side effects of medication. Why are Care Staff allowed to give medication with so little apparent knowledge about medication, interactions and side effects – it all seems wrong to me.

it is educational

It covers the basic views on medication administration in the most simple presentation.

Very easy learning

I found this module very informative and easy to absorb the information.

