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Eye opener

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very helpful information

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Concise clear information

Great bite size modules , clear language and terminology used, easy to understand

Missing info on working overseas

The course is too long, and could be condensed without losing content. Main concern is that there is no information on, or examples of, encountering modern slavery outside the UK. ie when working abroad. What might it look like, what to do? This is not just a supply chain/manufacturing issue; eg what if your partner /hotel/colleagues appears to use forced labour e.g. for drivers. what should you do? what are the legal and or ethical responsibilities? what if that is 'normalised' in that country

A very informative and useful course.

A very interesting course and educated me on a subject which myself, probably like most people did not know exisited.

clear, concise thought provoking

Grateful for the positivity that comes with this course – tacking these subject has sometimes left me feeling like things are hopeless. And I needed time out to take a deep breath, reflect and get going again with an air of positivity.

It was well presented

I found the course was set out in a way that made it easy to follow and understand. This made for an effective method of learning.

clear, precise clarity

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very informative

Really helpful and concise information presented in a flexible format. The course isn't overlong so that it becomes tedious and boring. I also think it highlights issues that very few people even think about let alone witness in the real world. Well done.

Concise and informative information

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars