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Very good
Very good course and well explained
opens your eyes
I have never thought about this until this course but now I will be looking out for the signs
Interesting, logical, informative
I got the impression that the modern slavery ends at the UK – there was little/no mention of the conditions of supply chain factories/firms in other countries and making the distinction between modern slavery as defined in the UK from poorer pay or longer hours in poorer working conditions experienced by workers in other countries which cannot necessarily modern slavery.
Simple to follow
Simple to follow
Really useful training.
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Easy to understand and complete
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
It was good
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Informative and engaging
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
I think you exaggerate when you say there is more slavery now than has ever been , evidence please I think you overstep the mark when virtually ordering me to be vigilant at home ( chapter 16 ) this is a workplace video what I do in my own time is up to me and I think the video wording should be changed to a more encouraging and less authoritarian stance . Although I would agree the video on the whole is good with good intentions these two points diminish the experience for me
Very good
This certainly opens your eyes up to what is happening out there in the UK, very interesting and concerning really.