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Very good and informative

Full of information

Learned about how best to use a hoist

Using a hoist tomove patients around was new to me and helpful.

Very informative and useful

This online training is the best alternative to class-based session as the demonstration in the slide shows are very informative, useful and easy-to-follow steps/ techniques in moving and assisting people safely.

Really good course.

This course was really easy to follow with very clear information.

Interesting course

A good refresher course, full content and easy to follow instructions

Concise but with just enough repetition.

All procedures clearly explained and it was important to emphasize the need to ask for help. Probably because of my own dyspraxic characteristics, I have been unable to visualize how I would be able to position someone on a mat or board; specifically I am not sure about the position of the mat at the beginning of the process.

Excellent course on moving and handling

the course tells you how to use the equipment in a safe way so you don't injury yourself and the client you are moving to and to report any concerns you have about the equipment if it is out of date or unsafe to use and read care plans and risk assessment about the client you are about to move

Very limited relevance to me

As a volunteer Communication Supporter, I have absolutely NO contact with people who need lifts or moving in and out of bed. The section on the human back is a repeat of information I have already been tested on in 'Manual handling' and, therefore, a complete waste of my time. Apart from some advice on helping people in and out of sitting positions, this course is utterly irrelevant to me in my role in CHSS.

The materials for the course is superb

The presenter is also good. My only problem is that the presenter speaks a bit faster and I did struggleg sometimes.

training is clear and understandable.

This training is related on my job. it will be help me better when I will use any handling things also I have gain more knowledge about my own safety.