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Informative and practical

It was very informative and practical session because we do use manual handling on our daily basis(work, home. etc…}, and sometimes we tend to forget how we transfer, lift, and bend ourselves. It was a good reminder.

Good information given

Interesting and good ideas

good course

Really thorough interesting training

Its rated high for depth yet concise.

The course is good and concise, easy to follow and understand. What you may do is to somewhat highlight/ close photoshoot the practical sections to enhance mastery.


a lot to take in – long video

a very good annual reminder

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Easy to follow

Courses were easy to understand and was able to answer questions 100%

good knowledge refresher

great refresher course for me to undertake

Explained clearly

It was easy to watch and understand. The people in the video were clear and precise.

very knowledgeable

Full of information and amazing knowledge.