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Useful refresher

This course is a useful refresher which is helpful to remind, revise and revisit our current knowledge

Vey informative

Updated my knowledge on completing a risk assessment

Short but very informative course

This short informative course has given me knowledge that I can share with other trustees. Although we do not employ staff we can start to create some risk assessments to cover ourselves, residents and others who may come into the grounds/properties of the almshouses we are responsible for.

I can learn to suit my schedule.

I like how you can watch the videos and come back when you have time. I did this course over 2 days in-between teaching.

Good overview to RA

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Plenty information

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Comprehensive, concise and useful

A Good refresher

A Good Refresher

Very Good

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Good information course

I do not think we get enough reminder of how important risk assessment is to all of us. Whilst we think we exercise good judgement and/or common sense, we sometime ignore and/or "play-down" how much risk a potential hazard can be. Short courses like these are good reminders not to be complacent of what we think we already know.