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I found the course very informative and reinforced my knowledge and previous. I was not aware of abuse of breast ironing and particular like the fact that faith abuse was also included

Easy to understand and test was very cle

Good and concise explanations

Very informative

Detailed information especially on recognizing the signs of abuse. Particularly informative on the less "well know" abuses such as FGM and Faith abuse


Learnt alot, thanks.

Very useful course.

It's useful and important to know the all course .

Informative, considerate and accessible.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

very informative

excellent presentation – questions quick to answer.

Opened up my awareness

Eye opening and emotional. A lot to take in and process but worth it due to the knowledge and awareness of things that happen in real life.

Very user friendly and easy to navigate

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Safeguarding Children Training

A very helpful, clearly presented, and well-paced course for safeguarding children covering recognising, responding, recording and reporting a concern. The course was also well supported with relevant documentation to add further detail to supplement the presentation and give a greater depth of knowledge and understanding.