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Good overview

Interesting and concise overview of all safeguarding must knows. Signposting to lots of additional information which is useful too.

Comprehensive but sleep inducing!

The course seemed comprehensive and there was lots of additional material available but I found the presentation needed a bit more variety. I was tired and it was hard to stay awake for the duration of the course. My second difficulty was in taking the test I made the mistake of allowing the cursor to go over the answers to reach the one intended and it acted as if I had clicked on a wrong answer and would not allow me to correct it without starting the course again. I found that I had to move the mouse so that the cursor moved outside the answer boxes until I had reached the answer of my choice. Just a second or so's delay in accepting the answer would remove this problem.

Clear and concise

Informative and presented in a clear and concise format.

Simple to follow and easy to listen to.

I found the course easy to follow and understand. It was helpful to be able to go back if I missed some important point. All the test answers were made clear in the training videos.

A very comprehensive course. Very inform

A very good grounding. Full of really good information and guidance, with plenty of scope to. Improve knowledge of the subject.

Good use of time.

Prompt, didn’t waste time. And very informative

A very beneficial training

With this training I am more aware about different forms of abuse and I have learnt most common sites for non-accidental injury. Also I am feel that I would be more confident when reporting any concerns.

terrible graphics

Although partly interesting especially the different types of abuse , it didn't seem relevant to working in libraries.

Well balanced and well presented

Clear introduction and logically presented child protection information.

Decent refresher training

Content , although a tricky subject, was engaging and accessible. good refresher. Clear presentations