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I felt that the section on domestic abuse did not acknowledge situations in which the abuse comes from parent to child. There was an over emphasis on the abuse arising within couples who are intimate. It did not acknowledge that abuse can occur between parents and their children.

Very Informative

The course was logically set out, with clear presentation and the right level of emphasis on key elements.

Well presented

Easy to understand also a good learning curve thanks


It’s been a mum common sense

Very good

It's my duty to ensure that the child is safe and effective care is being taken

It was clear and to the point.

The training was very comprehensive and covered a wide range of safe-guarding issues. Words uses and graphics were appropriate and unambiguous. Definitely worth a revisit for me.

Easy to follow

Lots of information but in small enough chunks to not feel over laden

very thorough course

Very clear, well communicated and at the right level


Great online training, straight to the point with important information.

very informative

very informative