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Good course that is necessary

The course gave me a great overview and reminders of what I should be doing re posture etc

Very good

Opens one's understanding about biodiversity.

Clear to follow and understand

Good for young or new persons especially. If it helps one person to avoid this type of injury it has achieved its purpose. Good reminder to those not so young too ….

Overly long. Condescending

Far too long. Somewhat condescending in tone, e.g. people are like a round of drinks

Very informative and beneficial

The course was easy to follow with no timescales for completion which allowed time to consider answers.

Long but covers everything

it was a longer course but I see the value, at least the material was well presented unfortunately i cannot complete my home assessment as I haven't moved into my new home yet.

Just an audio. Was a bit dry

I did learn some things

Very good

Fire training back in Canada was pretty much non existent after elementary school, so this may be old hat to those raised in the UK but I found it useful to learn the signage and rationale behind the signage. Also the only time I saw any further fire training in the past was when I took a summer job at a box factory and they actually lit fires out in the back and had us use fire extinguishers to extinguish them. The review of different types of extinguishing methods was worth wile as well as fire blankets are not in use where i am from.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Neat to see an alternative take on this

Again I have seen similar material in WHIMIS back in Canada, but the LITE acronym was something new to me and was worth hearing about.