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Useful Update

A useful refresher but the way it is presented around the differences between the 3 day in house recording accident process and the 7 day RIDDOR injury process for accidents was I felt a little confusing as no legislation was mentioned for the 3day one. If the fact that the 3day in house recording is linked to separate legislation this might help clarify that it is reporting under two separate pieces of legislation.

Very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

so easy to complete

Really easy to follow and reflect on, very practical.

Way too long and content heavy.

Need more interaction to keep the participants engaged and motivated throughout the course.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Sound and clear

It was a nice and understanding course

Useful Information but see below

This training is well presented and contains useful information. It does not however not mention one thing that mitigates against changes in workplace practice which is 'Time'. In the modern workplace, is there always time to undertake challenging? Is this always appreciated by those who not as aware as the person who has done the course? Do managers and leaders in the UK really want to have their own implicit 'Blind Spots' (Johari Window) pointed out to them. So whilst the course is good and useful it has, in my view, limitations for real change.

very well presented

All the courses I have done will help me in my job role and at home.

Very informative and easy to understand

A very useful and informative course. There is a lot to digest and there is more to food hygiene than one would imagine. The course certainly highlights how to handle and prepare food safely and efficiently without putting anyone at risk.