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Very clear and informative.

Very easy to follow and informative delivery. The CGI extinguisher sequence of an extinguisher discharge; does not accurately replicate the sound and effect of an actual discharge; for example Co2 and powder; can be much more startling and unexpected in the volume of sound it makes.

Really useful – lots of good reminders!

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Was direct an easy to follow

Gave you the basics of handling aggressive behaviour which can effect any job roll at anytime

Does what it says

Fairly concise and easy to follow with additional links if required for deeper understanding.

Was direct an easy to follow

This was very well explained, easy to follow an opened my eyes to the dangers of hazardous materials in the work place and how to store them correctly and what to do in an emergency or if there was a dangerous spillage


Simple to follow refresher course.

Engaging, clear and concise

The training videos are engaging throughout with clear information and dialogues. It is nice to see that the information is very accessible, with options for visual, audible or written learning.

A good course with plenty of useful info

When I started the course, I assumed its aim was to train me to see if others were having difficulties or struggling, but instead had me looking inside myself and making my thoughts more positive.

Reporting procedures

Useful, especially when it comes to recordings. People involved in the recording/reporting accidents should be informed about all the procedures. They should be followed all the time.

Enjoyable and clear

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars