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This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very relevant

Accessible, clear and important

It was okay

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Clear, concise & clever

well designed course

the course is very informative and well explained the role of a whistleblower, it gives more courage and confidence to the person who believes that is something wrong in an organization that will affect the safety and public interest, the course also emphasizes whom you are going to report whether it is internally and externally. Hope all employees will find time to navigate this course to be aware of their rights as whistleblowers.

Easy to follow, clear and concise

Enjoyed, informative, easy to follow clear

Brilliant love it an eye opener

This course was interesting it show many ways in coming forward and getting this done,, even if you were unsure it's nice to know someone always willing to listen

To the point and easy to understand

I think the course maybe would be better combined with another training subject instead of as a stand alone course topic


An informative course


Good course