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It's okay, but…

It's okay, but I reckon there's a missed opportunity. The majority of us know how to send email, that means that most of the course is useless. The make-up of an email part should be condensed into a quick catch-up, then the "Writing Effective Emails" can then be focused on. It's a pity, but the training missed an opportunity to actually deliver "writing effective emails" training but instead provided a "Further Learning" sheet that hardly anyone will read, which is what the training should have focused on.

Good for those new to corporate work

Helpful for beginners/those totally unaccustomed to email, but very basic for those who already use work email on a daily basis. There was nothing new in this training for me.

Very informative!

I have been writing emails regularly. So, it was good to take this course. Most of the points mentioned in this course are not new for me. But the course gives a structure and if one follows it, overtime there will be less and less mistakes. Specially, I like the GPS and being concise advise and will apply as much as possible to my future emails.

Very informative, easy to follow.

Reconfirm the importance of an email to enhance your personal and professional communication skills.

Good but very basic

I'm not really sure who in my organisation would find this useful ? The instructions and presentation were of a very high standard as always.

far to basic

It should be noted in the course title that this is level 1 emailing


Interesting and informative

Fab course

This was a great, relaxed and informative course, perfect for all levels.

Good content

Good content and good tips for future use of sending emails. Also helpful advice on what not to put in an email.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars