About York St John University and their training

York St John University have been on board with iHasco for roughly 7 years now and primarily use our range of Health & Safety courses, including Manual Handling, Food Hygiene, and DSE. But more recently, have also included modules such as GDPR for Managers and Cyber Security Awareness to maintain, and bring new staff up to speed with data protection best practices at the university.

We caught up with Matt Bellew, Health & Safety Adviser at York St John University, to talk about all things training and Health & Safety…

  • Sector: Education
  • Founded: 1841
  • No. of employees: 900+
  • Location: York & London, United Kingdom

Why is staff training important at York St John University?

We wish to maintain a positive health and safety culture here at York St John University and staff training is an important element of that. When we ‘on-board’ our staff, they will be provided training required to suit their roles. A training matrix identifies what training is needed and by whom. Some of our training is for legislative reasons and some for learner knowledge, to assist staff to work safely and efficiently. Also, training builds confidence and helps create a better working environment for all!

How do you use iHasco as part of your training strategy?

Primarily iHasco is used for health and safety training. But other modules such as cyber awareness and GDPR for managers have been included due to how the modules are constructed and the information they provide. A training matrix is created from ‘Training Needs Analysis’. Some of those courses are delivered through iHasco LMS and are allocated when staff start, or if we react to a change in needs. An example of that is when slips began to dominate our accident data, part of the control measures was to make the Slip, Trips and Falls module compulsory for all staff. With branding available, we have a personalised eLearning platform that is easy to navigate, provides great training and information, as well as additional information and fact sheets that provide a branded certificate. The vast range of courses has allowed us to change training needs, but still remain with iHasco. Allocation is easy, reports are quick, simple and up to date and the system gives lots of flexibility within course settings. The system even allows you to personalise reminders and keep track of those still to complete training. iHasco has been a blessing during the pandemic and allowed us to maintain training and even add modules of relevance.

What made you choose iHasco?

In the initial stages, we had criteria for eLearning due to our diverse staff population. We wanted an eLearning package that had the following:

Sound – For our visually impaired staff
Text – For our hearing impaired staff
Flexibility – Ability to resume at anytime
Test – Confirmation of transfer of learning via a test, and the ability to define pass marks
Reminders – Built-in for individual users
Certificates – Available to users
Export – Ability to export all data easily to interested parties (HR/HSE)
Security – Password protected
We consider ourselves lucky, and we got so much more with iHasco. The training is slick, informative, easy to understand, and well presented. Staff have the ability to rate the training and it always has a high user satisfaction. Staff can dip in and out of their training if required, and what is great is we set the training intervals and the training pass mark. There is always additional information and examples of documents in most modules, and these are a bonus.

iHasco provides useful blogs and the whole system has an easy feel to it, so navigation as both a learner and an administrator is simplistic. But if you do struggle, there are lots of guides, online help, or assistance via your Account Manager. We have a great Accounts Manager who now feels like a friend and another member of the team who also responds promptly and seems eternally happy. Working with iHasco has felt like a collaboration from the outset and I would thoroughly recommend it. It does what it says: “Training made simple”.