How can I bring my staff up to speed with key HR & Wellbeing topics quickly and cost-effectively?

Posted 4 years ago

How can I bring my staff up to speed with key HR & Wellbeing topics quickly and cost-effectively?

Business leaders across the world are starting to understand the importance of bringing staff up to speed with key HR and wellbeing topics and are introducing initiatives to support these topics in the workplace.

HR has long been an important pillar for many organisations but the recent increase of awareness surrounding mental health in the workplace (which has unquestionably been heightened by the Coronavirus pandemic) has made employers stop and listen. It was recently discovered in a Deloitte study that for every £1 employers invest in employee mental health and wellbeing, they can see returns of up to £6!

So why are many businesses still reluctant to invest in HR and wellbeing training, or at the very least bring staff up to speed with key topics?

There are many different answers to these questions and many of them will differ depending on the organisation itself, but a few common answers include:

  • It’s time-consuming – Bringing staff up to speed in these areas can be time-consuming depending on the delivery method.
  • It’s not exciting for anyone – Some delivery methods can be excruciatingly boring for both the teacher and the learner.
  • I’m only interested in mandatory training – Some organisations will inevitably prioritise mandatory workplace training and initiatives over others.

The solution? Our new HR & Wellbeing Essentials course…

Our new HR compliance & Wellbeing Essentials course is the perfect solution for anyone looking to bring their staff up to speed with key HR & Wellbeing topics quickly and cost-effectively.

It’s time-efficient (takes just 40 minutes to complete), uses high-quality graphics and animations to keep learners engaged and it covers topics that will help you cultivate a positive, fairer workplace culture.

The course covers the following topics:

Mental Health and Stress Awareness

A survey conducted by the Royal College of Psychiatrists reported that 43% of UK psychiatrists saw an increase in urgent and emergency cases during lockdown and evidence from the Sars pandemic points to the risk of both patients and healthcare workers experiencing diagnosable symptoms of traumatic stress in the months and years ahead. Moreover, it has been suggested that 500,000 more people will experience mental health conditions in the UK related to the economic downturn.

Providing staff with high-quality Mental Health and Stress Awareness training can be invaluable – happier staff make better, more productive staff!

Bullying & Harassment

More than one in three people who report being bullied at work leave their job because of it. Bullying and/or harassment should not be tolerated under any circumstances and providing training on the matter teaches staff how to tackle bullying or harassment in the workplace, helps them understand the differences between the two, and promotes a positive workplace culture where people feel like they can approach managers and employers about bullying.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

More than 25% of UK workers say they have experienced workplace discrimination. Open and inclusive workplaces are proven to have higher levels of morale, better staff retention, and an improved company reputation.

Unconscious Bias

33% of people who report experiencing workplace bias feel alienated, 34% withhold ideas and solutions and 80% would not refer their employer to others. Over time, feelings of isolation, alienation, and withholding take their toll on a person.

Providing Unconscious Bias training helps employees understand the most common types of unconscious bias, teaches them how to train their minds to reduce bias and the dangers of making assumptions, and also helps them understand the negative implications of unconscious bias in the workplace.

Sexual Harassment

60% of working adults in the UK think that better training on the topic of sexual harassment would be effective at reducing it in the workplace. Training can help staff understand how to prevent sexual harassment, understand and identify the causes of sexual harassment, and know how to properly report it in the workplace.


Before COVID-19, 59% of employers said that they saw resilience as a key skill for candidates and it’s been proven that more resilient people are able to maintain good personal wellbeing in the face of adversity. Resilience is now arguably one of the most important skills for employees to harness with the uncertainty of COVID-19.

Conflict Resolution

A recent report carried out by CIPD found that just over a third of UK employees had experienced some form of interpersonal conflict at work over the past 12 months.

Get started for free or request a quote today…

So, if you’re looking for a short course for new starters or if you’re looking to bring existing staff up to speed with important HR topics quickly and cost-effectively, why not give it a go for free today? Or you can request a quote and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.