How iHasco can help you get back to work safely and smoothly
Posted 5 years ago
We’re working on a number of courses and solutions to help you get your employees back into the workplace as safely and smoothly as possible.

Returning to work made simple
When news broke that Coronavirus was rapidly spreading across Europe we created a free Coronavirus Awareness video in record time. Shortly after, when rumours of a UK lockdown started to circulate, we made sure we had everything ready to help our clients easily transition to Working from Home, including our Home Working Health & Safety course, bundle, and free resources.
We’re now switching our focus to help as many organisations as possible get their employees back into the workplace as safely and smoothly as possible. We understand that it may still be a while until lockdown restrictions are slowly lifted, but in this case, preparation is key for organisations. Staff will need to be trained before they go back to work for measures to be taken seriously and to be carried out properly. So here’s how we can help you with transitioning back into the workplace…
New training courses
Check out our returning to work essential training bundle!
Returning to work after COVID-19
This course helps to ease an employee’s transition back to work in light of COVID-19; whether they have been working from home for an extended period or after being furloughed. It covers things that can be considered before returning, and it also looks at what an employee can expect on their first few days and weeks back at work.
This course looks at return-to-work catch-ups, risk assessments, team communication, handling concerns/anxiety in connection to COVID-19, policies, and practices to consider (ie. social distancing), what to expect from managers during this time, and a few practical suggestions for handling pressure, finding focus, staying productive, and adjusting to 2020’s new-normal.
Resilience training
Resilience means being able to recover quickly from mental, emotional or physical obstacles. This course trains employees on how to improve their self-awareness, adaptability to change, and their personal resilience – all of which are crucial in times of adversity.
This course also provides a collection of practical techniques and tools that can be used immediately, which empowers the employee to regain focus, control, and perspective. By the end of this training, they will have the confidence to improve the quality of their personal and professional life, particularly in these uncertain times.
iHasco’s social distancing solution for businesses
You can use our Risk Assessment Tool to conduct a Coronavirus Risk Assessment – which will be crucial upon your return to work. This will highlight any additional policies that need to be created – particularly surrounding social distancing and workplace hygiene. Our ‘Document & Policy Storage’ feature provides the perfect solution for this. It allows you to distribute these critical documents to your staff via their training suites and mark them as “mandatory reading”.
As always, you can try the above courses for free or request a quote and we’ll be in touch shortly!
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