Important updates to Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment training courses
Posted 3 years ago

Our team of scriptwriters, presenters and animators have been hard at work updating our Safer Recruitment in Education and Safeguarding Children Level 2 Training courses to make sure that our content aligns more with the KCSIE 2021 changes and we’re pleased to announce the work is now complete!
*Sensitive subjects below*
Safeguarding Children Level 2 updates and changes
Slides updated:
- Common Warning Signs (now includes info on ‘Early Help’)
- Domestic Abuse (now includes a broader definition that covers teenage relationships and household relationships)
New slides:
- Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)
- Peer on Peer Abuse
- Child Abduction
Additional information:
There are also a number of new text box additional resources throughout that quote a little extra from KCSIE 2021 where relevant, including more in-depth information on Upskirting and Early Help – for example.
Please note:
Safeguarding Children Training and KCSIE Training have complimentary content, and are best understood as Step 1 and Step 2 of a user’s training. Users will need to complete both of them for a thorough understanding. Every update of significance or value from KCSIE 2021 has now been included in SGC Level 2 in a way that makes sense for video-based presentation.
Safer Recruitment in Education updates and changes
Along with some script changes, the main changes to bring this course in line with KCSIE 2021 are now included:
- Info on Teacher Status Checks
- “Teaching Regulation Agency’s Employer Access Service” has replaced “The Government’s Employer Access Online Service”
- There are now 4 levels of DBS check (now including the Basic DBS Check)
- Updated guidance on what and when to refer someone to the DBS
- The two barred lists – the “Children’s Barred” list and the “Adults Barred” list
- “NQTs” (Newly Qualified Teachers) are now “ECTs” (Early Career’s Teachers)
- ECTs have to complete a statutory induction period. The standard length is now two school years for full-time staff (it used to be 1 school year).
If you have any questions about these changes or would like more information, please contact our Support Team.
Want to try these courses or any other courses before you buy? Get instant access to our entire library now.

Ellie Johnson
Head of Production
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