Introducing user notes

Posted 4 years ago

We’ve just added a new feature to the LMS which gives LMS administrators the ability to record short notes against specific users on their individual user profile page. Notes are visible only to you and other LMS administrators.

User Notes Card

The user notes card on a users profile screen in the LMS.

You can use notes for a variety of purposes, either for your own reference or to share with other administrators. Think of them like sticky notes – the perfect place to keep a record of the fact that a user is inactive because they are on maternity leave, or to make a note of a request for training which they have made?

If you’d rather not have notes enabled in your LMS you can disable them too. We hope you find this small addition helpful and look forward to hearing how you’re using it. As ever, our customer support team are always on hand to help you with any queries you may have.

For more information on using user notes in the LMS read How to add, edit and delete a user note in our support knowledge base.

Picture of Nathan Pitman

Nathan Pitman

Managing Director

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