Q2 2020 Product Development Update

Posted 4 years ago

It hardly seems possible but a full 91 days have passed since our last quarterly product update and during that time everyone here at iHasco has been working at home after we closed the office at the end of March. You’ll be glad to know that this hasn’t stopped us from delivering a whole host of new features so without further ado here’s your quarterly update on (almost) everything that’s changed:

Finally, not to be forgotton, we also launched our brand new support knowledge base and integrated this with the LMS to make it even easier for you to get support where and when you need it.

Worried that you’re missing out? Take a look at our release notes to stay up to date on all the new incremental improvements and major releases. We even provide the option to subscribe via email or RSS if you want to know as soon as something changes.

Picture of Nathan Pitman

Nathan Pitman

Managing Director

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