Are you ready for the end of the transition period? UK GDPR courses coming soon…

Posted 4 years ago

Are you ready for the end of the transition period? UK GDPR courses coming soon...

With the UK’s transition period ending on the 31st of December and the GDPR being brought into UK law, there will be changes to the regulation.

Changes in Legislation between EU GDPR and UK GDPR

  • The Regulation is no longer enforced by the European Council and is fully enforced by the UK Government instead
  • There are certain exemptions to the GDPR regarding National Security, the Intelligence Services, and Immigration (though these would only directly affect Governmental Clients who are directly involved in these areas)
  • The ICO has increased powers – they used to report to the European Data Protection Board but now they are the leading supervisor, regulator, and enforcer of data protection law in the UK
  • The Secretary of State also has increased powers (to make adequacy decisions, for example)
  • The UK GDPR now applies to any organisation/company which processes the personal data of UK based citizens
  • Non-UK based organisations who have NO offices in the UK will need to appoint a representative in the UK to act on their behalf (this hasn’t been fully confirmed yet)
  • The UK will recognise all current EU adequacy decisions (these decisions are given to countries who meet the minimum level of data security set by the EU allowing for unrestricted transfers of data to take place)
  • The UK will allow unrestricted transfer of data between the UK and the EU
  • The EU may not allow unrestricted data transfer between the EU and the UK

What is changing in our courses?

  • Detailed explanation of the “Lawful Bases for Processing” which provides practical information on each oneGreater detail regarding processing of:
    • Children’s Data
    • Processing and protecting Special Category Data
    • International Transfers (Including the Hierarchy of Safeguards)
    • Data Breaches (including when you need to report one and the different responsibilities of a Processor and a Controller)
    • Methods of Accountability, including; DPAs, DPIAs, DPOs, Data Protection by Design and Default, and structured record keeping
  • The Rights of the Individual

Our production teams are working hard behind the scenes to create new GDPR courses (due to be released January 2021*) that will bring your staff up to speed with anything they need to understand, including any changes made to the regulation and what your organisation needs to do to remain compliant with the GDPR.

What will the new UK GDPR courses contain?

  • Much more detail and specifics
  • Real world examples, where necessary to explain a point
  • Much broader range of topics touched upon
  • Provides a history of the GDPR which helps establish the difference between EU and UK GDPR as well as how that fits alongside the Data Protection Act and the broader UK Data Protection Framework
  • Broader use of interactivity
  • A more light-hearted, conversational tone and approach

Our new courses include:

Advice and information from the ICO

You can find out more information and guidance from the ICO on their website.

Pre-order or register your interest today…

Pre order or register your interest in our upcoming UK GDPR courses today and you’ll be given immediate access once the courses are released.

*Course releases may be slightly delayed.