When does a project become notifiable under CDM?

Posted 7 years ago

When does a project become notifiable under CDM?

The CDM Regulations make construction safer by creating roles and responsibilities, making everyone accountable for the safety of everyone else during, and after, a project. Regulation 6 sets out the responsibility of the Client to notify the HSE of certain construction projects. These are called Notifiable Projects.

But what makes a project notifiable?

A construction project is notifiable if:

  • It’s scheduled to last longer than 30 working days AND has more than 20 workers working simultaneously; OR
  • The project exceeds 500 person days.

The Client must inform the HSE using an F10 Form as soon as possible before the Construction Phase of the project begins. For Domestic Clients, the responsibility automatically falls to the Principal Contractor, but Commercial Clients can also delegate the responsibility to another dutyholder – as long as the Client ensures it is completed in time.

The F10 Form will ask for basic information, including:

  • The address of the construction site and a description of the location;
  • A brief description of the work being carried out;
  • Names and contact details of dutyholders;
  • A start date for the construction phase; and
  • A declaration signed by, or on behalf of, the Client confirming that they are aware of their duties under the regulation.

There are two kinds of notifiable projects which are not reported to the HSE…

Railway construction projects must be reported to the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) and projects planned on nuclear sites must be reported to the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). The same F10 form is used no matter which authority is being notified and it always remains the Client’s responsibility to ensure it’s completed in time.

Online CDM Regulations Training

Here at iHasco, we offer an Online CDM Regulations Training course that covers the fundamentals of the CDM Regulations (2015), how to plan a safe project, and what you need to do in order to maintain a safe site.

The course takes roughly 30 minutes to complete and an end-of-course test will provide you with a printable certificate!

Additionally, we have course translations readily available!

Claim your free trial today!

Online CDM training