Your essential New Year Health & Safety and HR checklist

Posted 3 years ago

Your essential New Year Health & Safety and HR checklist

As we head towards a new year it’s always a good idea to begin to look at what you want your business to achieve in the next 12 months.

HR and Health & Safety are the foundations of your business and the most important measures to start ticking off your 2022 to-do list.

Along with the experts at Citation we’ve pulled together essential HR and Health & Safety pointers to help you get a handle on your compliance requirements.

HR 2021 Checklist

  • Does your employee handbook need to be updated to reflect any key changes to the way you’re now working?
  • Do any employee contracts need to be updated?
  • Have your people completed all mandatory training?
  • Do your people need to update any important information? Addresses, next of kin, bank account details?
  • Are the year’s performance reviews up-to-date and documented?
  • Are you planning any recruitment activity in the new year? Have you set your budget? Do you need to write job adverts?
  • Will your onboarding process change? This is particularly important if you’re adopting longer-term homeworking.

Health & Safety 2021 Checklist

  • Have you arranged for all essential Health & Safety testing to be carried out?
  • Are your Risk Assessments up to date and do they include the most recent activity within your business?
  • Have you completed new risk assessments for anyone working from home?
  • Is your Fire Risk Assessment up to date?
  • Do you need to arrange any essential testing e.g. fire alarm testing, security alarms etc.
  • Do you need a Legionella Assessment?
  • Is your employee Health & Safety training up to date going into the new year?
  • Do you have a continuity plan in place in case any of your essential staff are unable to work?
  • If your staff have returned to the workplace, have you re-familiarised them with the fire procedures, new ways of working, conducted a fire drill etc.?
  • Is your winter preparedness plan updated and communicated (travelling in bad weather, gritting plans etc)?

*This checklist is not definitive and requirements will change from business to business.

Alternatively you can download a copy of this checklist using the button below.

Download Checklist

How iHasco and Citation can help

We understand that for so many businesses, 2021 has been all about continuing to adjust to fast-paced change and keeping your business in the strongest possible position.

Throughout the pandemic, our teams have continued to help thousands of organisations stay on top of their regulatory responsibilities and future proof their business with solid continuity plans.

Whether you need high-quality workplace training, or expert Health & Safety and HR support, iHasco and Citation are on hand to help you quickly and cost-effectively.

If you want to give your staff the best in Health & Safety, HR & Compliance eLearning, why not give our courses a go for free today or request a quote and we’ll be in touch.

To find out more about Health & Safety and HR support visit our additional services page here and register your interest if you would like to discuss your requirements further.

How iHasco and Citation can help

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