Your personality is the unique pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that distinguish you from other people

  • Human Resources
  • 40 languages
  • 30m

Learning outcomes

  • Have a better understanding of what a personality is made up of
  • Know the benefits of understanding personality types
  • Be able to identify the four personality types

Covered in this course

Course contents

This training course is broken down into 2 sections

  1. 1
    What Is Personality?
  2. 2
    Understanding the Four Personality Types

About this course

It would be an understatement to say that human beings are complicated. Inside each and every one of us is a unique universe of understanding; an entire world of thoughts, feelings, connections, and behaviours. We’re each a mix of a natural temperament and a character shaped by our lived experiences, both of which influence how we perceive the world around us and how we choose to act in the face of an existence that is both full of wonder and beauty, as well as tragedy and despair.

Present 100 people with the same image, the same set of facts, and you will receive back 100 different interpretations. We are each unique and wholly different from one another, yet, for society to function, we need to come together, to work, live, and exist side by side in harmony.

Life is filled with misunderstandings, miscommunication, missed opportunities, and mistakes. But what is truly a wonder is not how we so often get things wrong, which we undoubtedly do, but how we so often get things right. We have our differences, but, on the whole, most of us not only co-exist, we thrive together.

It’s only by recognising, accepting, celebrating, and learning about each other’s differences, that we can begin to understand each other, to understand how we think, how we work, how we communicate, how we live. One method for achieving this, which has existed since the ancient world, is the theory of personality types. By breaking the complex idea of personality down to its individual parts and grouping them into types, we can not only better understand each other, we can better understand ourselves. Sometimes, in our troubled world, a little more understanding is all we need.

By the end of this online training course, we’d love to promise you that you’ll be an expert on humanity, but even we aren’t that good. However, you will have taken the first step on a journey of understanding, and that’s a journey that can truly take you anywhere.

The importance of Understanding Personality Types Training

It's important that you comply with the law and understand the positive impact this training course can have on your organisation and employees.

Find out more

Available in 40 languages

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It covers LMS navigation, course transcripts and test questions. If you don’t see a course listed in the language you require, just let us know.

*Content which is not English may be machine translated and is for assistive purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of translations.

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Understanding Personality Types Training certificate

Download and print

Each of our courses ends with a multiple choice test to measure your knowledge of the material.

This course concludes with a multiple choice test with a printable certificate. In addition, brief in-course questions guide the user through the sections of the training and are designed to reinforce learning and ensure maximum user engagement throughout.

As well as printable user certificates, training progress and results are all stored centrally in your LMS (Learning Management System) and can be accessed any time to reprint certificates, check and set pass marks and act as proof of a commitment to ongoing legal compliance.

What does my certificate include?

Your Understanding Personality Types Training Certificate includes your name, company name (if applicable), name of course taken, pass percentage, date of completion, expiry date and stamps of approval or accreditations by recognised authorities.

Please note if you are using our course content via SCORM in a third party LMS then we are unable to provide certificates and you will need to generate these in your host LMS yourself.

Why is this training important?

Business benefits

Personality type theory can be used to:

Improve communication – by recognising someone’s dominant personality type, you can predict their particular traits and adapt your communication style to better resonate with them. For example, extroverted personalities may prefer lively group discussions; whereas introverted personalities may prefer a quiet one-to-one

Strengthen relationships – in both your personal and professional life, understanding personality types can aid mutual understanding and trust by helping you better appreciate different opinions and create supportive relationships. For example, when explaining a decision to a thinking personality type, you might provide a detailed breakdown of the reasons why the decision was made; whereas for a feeling personality type, you might explain the emotional impact it will have on people

Improve teamwork – by knowing where people’s strengths and weaknesses lie, their skills can be put to better use and people can be given roles and tasks that improve productivity, and their sense of satisfaction, as they can contribute in a way that works best for them. For example, thinkers may be better suited to planning or strategic tasks; and feeling types may prefer to manage morale or help other people improve

Increase self-awareness – learning about personality types is a journey of self-discovery. It allows you to recognise your own traits, your own strengths and weaknesses and then make decisions or take on roles and opportunities that play into them, while helping you identify areas for growth and personal development, so you can find more fulfilment in all areas of your life. For example, thinking people may need to develop their emotional awareness; and feeling types may benefit from improving their critical thinking skills

Resolve conflicts – conflicts are a natural – and if handled well, healthy – part of any relationship, whether at home or at work. Understanding how you and the other person are thinking and feeling gives you the opportunity to resolve differences appropriately and constructively, and you stand to gain an improved relationship and a decision that works for both, now that you understand one another better

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