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Very clear and easy to navigate

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

A great refresher….

The course needs updating HMRC no longer stands for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs….otherwise a great refresher course of the issues and ones responsibilities.

Update required

His Majesty's Revenue & Customs!!!!! (Not 'Her' HMRC any more)

Interesting but needs slides/visual aids

Difficult to take in as purely audio. Reading transcript at the same time helped lift it off the page. Probably wouldn't have got any Q's right if I hadn't read along.

Need something visual

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

It was very insightful.

It was a very good course to do and provides a fascinating insight to how society operates.

Course was Informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

To the point, informative, and clear

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Informative and entertaining.

The training is very informative and entertaining in every word I hear I get curious and hooked into the training. Audio course is not that bad compared to audio and video training. It focuses the learners to focus and listen to what the topics are. I rated 5 stars because it helped me understand more about the bad consequences of evading tax and its effect to my country. Reminds me of we don't want to pay but we want to receive services is a must to change attitude.


A concise yet very informative training on Tax evasion