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I benefited from the course


Good course and very engaging video

This is a complex area but was broken down and presented well in this course. As I am more of a visual person, I found the storyline in the video really helped me to understand and to remember the points better.

Interesting facts

I enjoyed the course,I also learnt a few interesting facts that I didnt know.great.

Interesting and thought provoking

Questions to wordy to answer sometimes : (

it's irrelevant

has nothing to do with my career

Assessing The Mental Capacity Act

A good refresher course to remind me of what to do and look for in my work duties.

to vaugue

Attempt to put real world situations where co workers will need to work with cases

Very informative

The use of short video slides as the method of delivery is very effective. I feel much better informed on the complexities and nuances of a subject that I knew very little about prior.

very informative

An interesting course which has helped with my understanding of assessing mental health and how to help people make their own decisions in life.

not really the content, just having time

Content was ok but took a long time to digest constant interruptions makes it very difficult to concentrate. Being on shift meant having to break off to help with personal cares and spending time with guests. I could not complete in a timely manor so had to do at home. As I was getting very anxious about not competing this task and making mistakes getting the answers wrong.