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easy to follow

helped me to understand the changes and developments around the research of autism

a good refresher.

Always beneficial to refresh and update knowledge.

Easy to follow

Very good


very informative

Really good

This autism course is very informative

one of the test questions

One of the questions asked in the final test asks "is Autism on the rise in the UK". I answered false (incorrect according to the test) but I believe false is the correct answer, diagnosis of autism is on the rise not Autism in itself. The amount of people in the population with Autism statistically remains the same (per capita), whist better diagnosis increases this number. Perhaps the question is poorly worded.

one of the questions

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Well presented, but a little dated

There is a general move away from the description of an autistic "spectrum" towards a "constellation" instead within the autistic community and educators working with young people. This makes it clearer that there's not a sliding scale of severity, but a combination of a huge variety of different traits. A little more focus on the potential positive aspects earlier on in course would be great. We need to see autism less as a challenge to be overcome and more as simply a difference in the way we think. This is neither positive nor negative on a general scale, but simply different.

Informative and easily understood

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

This is good as a basic introduction

The training is good as a basic induction for someone with no knowledge of autisum, but I was looking for something specifically aimed at autism in children for a parent/foster parent. Who may need to look out for signs and behaviours to support them in looking after children?