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It was well presented, it kept my attention and made some interesting points. It made me think about the way I communicate, especially face to face.

Very informative

Very good


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very clear and informative

This is something I can implement in my days to day duties, as communication is key to building great relationships. Thank you

Clear and consise training

A good introduction to communication skills with some useful tips.

Very useful

I found it interesting and very helpful

Concise, to the point, useful

Concise, easy to pick up and refer to. An aide memoir of how to communicate effectively while factoring in what you should be doing and what you should be aware of from your recipient beforehand.

Good would prefer face to face training

Overall I think the content of this was sensible and well presented. However I think face to face interaction training sessions with colleagues are more effective as they are more memorable and interactive.

Not very useful,

Clear & concise refresher.

A good review of some basic communication skills, but very generalised (as it inevitably must be for this type of training scenario).