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very good and insightful

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very thorough and well presented.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

useful reminder

A useful reminder in the importance of cyber security

Very useful course

Made me more aware of current cyber security and how to make my practices more secure

Very helpful course

Although most things are fairly obvious it makes you consider not just your working situation but tour home and children's devices.

Easy to follow

This course was easy to follow. The material was presented well in a straightforward way. A helpful test to check knowledge at the end.


Make me aware off stuff I didn't know.

Very detailed

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Really informative

Really enjoyed the course, I learnt more than I expected!


Very useful, but I think it could benefit from a distinction between completing the training session for the first time or repeating it for updated validation, otherwise it becomes a little repetitive. Some of the information regarding passwords is not particularly useful, such as how to create a distinctive and separate password each time, so more tips on how to use password protection services/apps might be helpful. A practical test might also be valuable; which of these email addresses would you be least likely to trust, what would you expect to see in this email/web address, for example