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Allow straight to test

I don't see why it is necessary to have to watch this course every year. I have worked in the public sector for over 20 years and have had to do these courses regularly over that time and so I do know all the content. I would prefer an option to go straight to test and if the score is less than whatever percentage you would expect then at that point be forced to review the course content.

Gets the message across

Found the acting a little cringey at times, whilst the course delivered the basics it lacked detail and specifics. Decent foundation.

I found the course clear and conscise.

The Presenters were excellent

The video graphics were excellent.

The video graphics were excellent. The audio and vocabulary were easily understood. Enough detail and not too long in duration.

Good reminder to stretch!

There were a couple of issues with the screen timing out and I had to reset. Overall the course was a good reminder to move about and stretch.

Excellent course well presented

Good information provided, some areas highlighted that i need to improve on especially when not using my normal desk.


Really interesting and makes you think. Enjoyable too knowing that staff can participate in stretching exercise whilst at work. Builds up momentum.

Very good

I found overall it is a very good course thank you

Good content but annoying interface

The need to click next after every short video clip – some of which were only 30 seconds – was very irritating, and broke up the flow of the course. Twenty-eight different segments each of which required an interaction was excessive and quite annoying, and actually broke focus rather than maintaining it.

Brilliant update and reminder

it is so easy to forget these things when working from home