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This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Really good pointers

Contains lots of useful advice for people new to remote working, but even those of us who have been doing this for some time can take something away from this. Good mix of talk to camera, modelled practice and additional resources. Well done!

A waste of time

Course was really for someone very young or inexperienced. I learned nothing from the course which was not common sense and basically stated the obvious. 40 mins which could have been used far more productive.

Useful and informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

informative, simple to follow, short

I now have a better understanding as to how I need to set myself up when working from 'home'. I will be better prepared for planning my day, prioritising tasks, becoming more aware of my boundaries; be it physical, mental or social. I can now use the tools given to manage & better understand my distractions, apply better etiquette to my virtual meetings & ensure I am not isolated or only :)

five stars

Good course

Covered off a variety of topics

I thought the course was very thorough & covered a variety of topics that have recently come up in conversations with colleagues.

Very helpful

Help to highlight key points to make clear distinctions between work and home. Very helpful

Easily digestable course.

Good, clearly understandable course. Didn't like Slide 13, productivity being mentioned before well being and mental health. Wrong emphasis.

An enjoyable and interesting course.

Straight forward presentation, highlighting all the points that I need to follow to ensure that I have an effective remote working environment….