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I am not currently remote working but know others that are, some of the points raised have already been discussed and so I found the training both relevant and helpful.

Some good suggestions

The course was split into easy to digest sections and contained some good ideas for working from home effectively. Some can be put into place and should help effectiveness.

Easy to digest and very clear

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear, concise, relevant easy o follow.

The ideas and information are encouraging and manageable. I can see how I would apply them each day. There are things I hadn't thought of to try as well as confirmation of what I knew.

We must always remember the facts

A great course, it really helped me set up my home office and make boundaries between work and social interaction.

Useful ideas but not always applicable

The presentation of the course was effectively done and easy to follow and there were several good suggestions in the fourteen slides about how to best work remotely. The course makes a solid effort at suggesting ways to combat and solve issues about working remotely, but these are not necessarily possible in a home environment where you have shared accommodation in small flat or limited resources either personally or from your employer. These issues are further complicated when one's flatmates are also working from home and therefore workspace is an even bigger issue. Possibly future courses could be tailored to specific remote working spaces and how to best overcome the complications they present.

Useful reminders for good practice

A well presented training session, broken into clear and manageable chunks. The advice was largely common sense but had some useful tips.

Useful course especially at this time

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Well presented with clear and concise explanations.