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Excellent Information to know
The Refresher First Aid Course was enjoyable to watch and read. The Clarity of the presenters and communication was Excellent.
Clear, concise and well ordered
Clearly presented relevant information. The optional printouts are a useful reminder of the points covered in the training video.
The course covers all the areas that are
This covered all the areas essential in an emergency and give excellent advice on what to do when needed. In treatment of airway obstruction the priority is to ensure airway patent. As we may have a need to suck gastric contents it would be of value to introduce the use of suctioning machines and how to use them safely to improve patency if required. The use of oxygen as well to achieve an arterial blood oxygen 94-98 percent. The course covers what to do in case of corona virus infection.
Comprehensive but summaries poor
Good, but most useful around the emergency situations. Summaries at the end of each section are often not actual summaries and the ancillary pop-ups on the right are sometimes a bit thin or seem disconnected? Something to download and refer to after would be useful.
It was interesting.
Found this a good refresher.
I found it to be a very useful and helpful refresher. As a trainer myself I particularly like this blended learning model. Looking forward to the next one.
clear and well demonstarted
I found the course very helpful. each step was clearly explained and the following bullet points were a good refresher. The demonstrations were at the right pace to facilitate assimilation of the instruction.
A good online course – well put together
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Really easy to follow
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Well structured and good level of detail
Well structured and good level of detail, visual demos were good. Section 1 was perhaps a little bit long.