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Good lecture

Good information

I'm glad it advised me to think about my emotions in a situation and not rush in as that was what I did and very often regretted it

Really good

Unable to finish course due to being timed out

Very useful content.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

absolutely brilliant

I am familiar with EI, however, I still learnt new things. I like the simple 5 step strategy, I like how it was presented in the format of the presentation (being a visual learner and easily distracted) and I found the presenter engaging and easy to listen to. I liked the pause at the end of each section so I could write notes too and reflect for a moment. Thank you!

This was really good

Very thought provoking training and summed up in a short, easy to follow format. I would recommend this as it clearly sets out and explains EI really well.

To the point and useful

I think this was a very good course, although fully explained on the points/steps it was not dragged out too much – although I have not read all of the links yet it looks like it is inclusive of very useful resource links. The material was delivered very well by the presenter, very clear and easy to understand as usual for iHasco.

Very informative, clear, easy understood

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Hi-lighting good practise

Considering others, in a world where we become more and more self absorbed. Emotional Intelligence is a strong skillset but often overlooked.

Great overview

By being given the five components and drilling into each area I'm really sure will give me a greater understanding of both myself and those around me. Really well spent time