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Good information given

It helps you process your thought

Emotional Intelligence is important in one's day to day life. its helps with one's self-awareness and self control. going through the training , i realise how necessary it is to have the ability to genuinely understand and share the emotions of other people. perhaps your colleagues. i enjoyed the training and so many aspect of one's day to day routine at work and outside work does resonate.


I was expecting to do a test at the end of the 11 minute training. I think an 11 minute training is irrelevant as with these things we need in depth training to focus on what the end questions are asking us.

Very interesting

learnt another skill today EI! You don't have to be clever to have this, not necessarily born with it but we can all gain it. Will find this useful.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good course

A solid course for a basic understanding of emotional intelligence

found this very interestin to listen to

Worth a listen for all staff will help with understanding a little better about peoples feelings

helps you think ahead

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Really good

Very important this kind of courses for self development and growth on relationships in work and private life.

its good

its good and helpful