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Well presented

Found course very gd

Course very helpful has didn't know much about how much detail goes into health and safety

Good recap

This training has been informative and helps to put into practice everything we have learnt.

good course

once i started the online training i found it very easy to do i also enjoyed it


Very helpful.


The course is well suited for our work. It asks questions that are important and essential for the job that I do. The course content is clear and easy to follow and understand . I think it will be very useful to be given opportunity to go through the training more frequently. I am therefore happy to give grading of 5 STAR.

Very informative

This course was very informative and was put together well

It was easily understandable

The course was easy to follow and understand. Everything was clearly structured.


Lot to remember but question was easy


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars