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Easy to use


Liked the information very clear


Essential health and safty training helped me to know how important our live is and everything counts no matter how little to save human life.

Locked quiz

It was frustrating to only be allowed one attempt to complete quiz and then it locked. I went back and completed the entire 40 minutes of slides again just so I could unlock the quiz and gain a higher percentage, but it remained frozen. I followed the instructions but it would not unlock the quiz.

Very educating and easy to use

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

It explained everything

It was very Helpful for the work I do , It did not go on for to long but covered everything we need .

Easy to use and concise

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Excellent course and very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars



Very good

This course was extremely well presented. The checks in between helped to let you know what to remember for the test. Maybe just a little more interaction, such as animated images to click the correct sign on the wall or something. I did this early in the morning and I felt tired during this. I have to admit though, I could not have done better with it so well done.