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Clear, concise and covered all topics

This is probably one of the best courses I have undertaken, clear and well presented.

Very clear and concise presentation

Excellent presentation with useful bullet points at the end of each slide. Very easy to follow – would definitely recommend.

Good, detailed

An excellent first aid refresher course

Comprehensive; clear demonstrations.

Taking the course in stages would be better but I didn't want to do this as there was a test at the end – so perhaps splitting the course into two halves, with separate 10-question tests, would be better as 90mins is quite a long time to focus. However, the quality of the materials was very high – excellent summaries, clear demonstrations and direct communication of key points.

Essential and valuable but too detailed.

Thank you for the very important information. I have been given very little First Aid Training during my 35 year teaching career. Whilst some of the course is invaluable, I feel that there is too much to take in and perhaps, for example, the final section could be summarised. It took me well over the 80 minutes to complete.

Useful reminder

Good with the updated information to include Covid.

Very useful and informative

I have learnt a lot from taking this course that is detailed and well structured. It helps to refresh my memories of previous courses I have taken and to add some new things to the existing bank of knowledge. I feel more confident in managing uncertainty now. Thank you.

Prefer to complete on line

I prefer and enjoy completing training on line, I find that I can complete at my own pace, no roleplay, don't have to travel to different locations.

A good refresher

The course covered all the major areas of First Aid clearly. I was thrown by one of the questions in the assessment – rate of CPR per minute – two a second seemed too fast, but somehow I missed the fact that that was the correct answer.

Really interesting

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars