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very well designed

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Well put together

Covered many aspects of food hygiene some of which was new to me. Each module was very digestible making learning more straightforward,

Really clear and informative

The training is very easy to follow, very information, covers all areas that you need to know and it is explained well. Highlights key information making it easier for note taking.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Easy to follow once accessed

I had great difficulty accessing the course. It would not accept my password or allow me to register. I had to have a one touch access to open the course programme.

Very useful knowledge indeed

Excellent course, well presented, easy to understand and I learned a few things which I will take on board in general life. Definitely worthwhile.

Interesting and informative

A very important course which was both interesting and informative. Highly recommended

Clear and comprehensive overview

The sections were well laid out, and each video was just the right length to make the information easy to digest.

A bit too long

Appreciate you need to get through a lot, but a more concise version might keep people engaged longer.

Informative and promoting good practice.

A good course in that it asked questions as the course progressed in the same format as the final exam about under pinning knowledge. This knowledge was built on, in the more complex areas such as the 4 main contaminates and cross contamination. It also demonstrated a "build on knowledge and understanding" and laying the foundations for the Level 2 Qualification, which I did some time ago.