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A very informative course for those that need indepth knowledge of GDPR

easy to follow

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Very useful information! 5 star

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Reasonable general overview.

Reasonable general overview, possibly overly long on some points, when there could have been more focus on some of the practical issues which were in the resources. Some of the questions as you went along weren't especially clearly worded.

Comprehensive and informative

The training was broken down into sections that made it easy to understand. The presenter spoke clearly and with confidence, although I must say that it was slightly disconcerting that his appearance changed periodically throughout the course! Although I already knew a bit about GDPR I did learn a lot from the course and I found it useful both from a company perspective and from a personal viewpoint. Worthwhile time spent.

Too much information

For an online course meant for giving an overview of GDPR this was ridiculously over the top. If that much information is the requirement of the trainee then a full day course would be the most appropriate option for them. This was very poor compared to the many over iHasco online courses.

Good informative course

The course was engaging and had some good examples to support learning and information presented.

Good options, languages good speech also

Good explain on Data Controller/Proccesor etc.

Beyond my job description

This is a good course for anyone who's job requires this knowledge. As I will never use anything I learned in this course in my job, most of the info will be forgotten.


provided good overview with key points covered. Easy to follow with both narrative and helpful slides.