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Far too long

This course took me 2 hours to complete including the 20 questions? Why 20 questions. ? Crazy !!!


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Challenging and important

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Long and boring

A long and boring course. Very much a tick box exercise, purchased by companies wanting to say their employees are aware of GDPR.

Videos generally informative, useful

Comments relate to all IHASCO induction videos. Informative and not too complicated. Good to have odd questions dotted through the videos to make sure the viewer is paying attention! It would have been really useful to be able to see how far through each session I’d got already, so I could tell whether I could finish the rest before a meeting or whatever. Maybe have different presenters to add interest – particularly more diverse ones as one of the units is about ED&I. Also would be nice to know who the presenters are, if they’re not just actors but have a particular expertise in the subjects. The GDPR one far too long for someone who isn’t directly involved in handling data.

very professional instructor

The instructor made this course easy watching/listening, even if his trick questions rattled me!

Clearly and succinctly presented.

Well spoken, clear. Good examples Comprehensive

Good course

Videos and presenter were very good (course was in English), with the right amount of information in each segment and some useful real-life scenarios.

Much easier than just reading the text.

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Very Knowledgeable

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars