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Useful guide to DP issues

Whilst useful, it is perhaps more detailed than my humble role as a Meet & Greet person.

Fine but would prefer to read

The presenter does his best but it's too long-winded and I find it hard to concentrate when I have a huge amount of other things to do, so I get distracted and then don't take in the content. I would much prefer to read the content in my own time and just take the quiz questions live

Well constructed and focused

An essential training for those in work and a well constructed and focused programme, giving good insight into the essentials and implications of GDPR in the UK

Very informative and easy to follow

Clear and precise and is completed using language you can understand and in a reasonable time which keeps your attention.

Helpful and informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Excellent – Very concise

Was concerned about this one but it was broken down very well and made really clear

Clear, Concise and to the Point!

I found this course very detailed but in a very understanding approach. I felt that the course material was well presented, with each module condensed into 2 minute videos, which helped to absorb the information without feeling like an overload. The course speaker spoke in a very clear manner, who also explained each element with ease.

Good & helping me to now more.

It is helpful 100%.

A succinct course.

This course covers GDPR in such a succinct but balanced manner that brevit is achieved without compromising on breath of coverage ofall the essential principles of GDPR one needs to know.

This course makes the essentials clear

UK GDPR is complex. By basing training on the fundamental principles of the GDPR this course makes clear what activities and rights are relevant.