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Really easy to follow.

Really well presented course. I particularly liked the summary at the end of each section which reinforced key points

Suitable and compact training course

Training even suitable for complete beginners. It provides a fast and compact overview of data protection. Altogether, this course specifies everything the default user has to know about data protection and personal data.

Short enough, but summarized well

Again, was short enough to crank out in an hour of my time. Topics summarized well. Test was difficult enough to not be a joke, but also not at all too difficult to be annoying

Clear training

I thought it was going to be long winded, but once started, was well delivered, and I appreciated the written translation notes as well as the visual.

Easy to follow and understand.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear and informative

Easy to access. Stayed within the time suggested. Questions were a good review activity.

Ok course

A reasonably good course that refreshes your knowledge how to manage and store personal information.

An informative course.

The only thing I didn't like was that when I reviewed a section of the course I had to start the questionnaire again. Great otherwise.

short, easy, informative

It's cleverly broken up into bite-sized chunks so you are never hit with so much information at once that it becomes unwieldy. There's text information to back up the audio you're hearing to help reinforce the learning. The visuals are active and interesting to keep you focused. A good way to teach important essentials.

Excellent resource – Many thanks

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars