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This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

informative and eye opening

it gave me a good overview and an appreciation of the dynamics involved.

easy to follow

the course content is relevant and easy to follow

easy to understand, clear video

easy to understand with straight forward questions


This user gave this course a rating of 3/5 stars

ok but a bit too complex

This i found to be too complex, i think it would have been better in bullet points and examples shown, however I have done this previously in another role which i passed at 100 %

Being talked at not to

Far to much of this course was telling me what to do and not suggesting things that I should try. At points you go to great lengths to detail that everyone is affected by and deals with stress differently and then you go and tell me what to do rather that suggest solutions. While I don't disagree that what was in the course can be very useful to a majority of people, it is not a one size fits all and should be presented this way. It should be along the lines of 'many people find this useful' or 'an often useful stratergy is' rather than what is used in this course which is very much a 'do this' tone.

it useful to know

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Good presentation, easy to follow.

Easy to follow, we'll presented and easy questions.

Pitched at the right level…

The video and graphics used for this training are very good however a bit of diversity would make it more appealing to all especially those working in care roles.