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Very informative. Made me more aware how to stay safe.

Plenty of food for thought.

A lot of this course is common sense (as was stated). I found the sections on Responsibilities and Practical Safety Measures of most use. A few enactments of the best and worst ways of handling aggression and violence might enliven the course, and bring a different dynamic to the lecture. I appreciate that there is an overlap with some general health and safety issues, but there was no specific mention of particular responsibilities regarding how to cope with a fire, or medical emergency by yourself.

Very useful information thanks



This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Well thought out package

Good training activity with plenty of bullet points to allow all staff members to feel safe both in the workplace and transiting.

Very beneficial

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Excellent course and is a must for all

Excellent course and is a must for not only lone workers but for all as at any given point in time we all will be in a lone place and might be subjected to the situations as outlined in the course.

very useful

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very informed

Really enjoy the test

Excellent quality

Very helpful