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well illustrated with examples

I found it very informative and clear. It would be good to add some short images and videos as some people remember things better while there are animated. Overall, very good, informative training, some good tips in terms of managing risky situation while working alone. Most definitively I will remember and use that knowledge at work. Very good and useful content of additional information.

Very easy to do

Easy to listen to and and no rush

Good information

Hard one to follow without the slides or video clips , but hung in there and as the lady said there to follow …..

Very helpful

Gives you a thorough understanding when working alone and what to do.

A professional and comprehensive course

Excellent training course. Easy to understand and to remember.


Very Good and clear advice.

Very easy to understand

I really enjoyed the short clips this training was delivered in as if i missed anything it was easy to go back and re listen. the questions throughout kept me engaged and the questionnaire at the end was also easy to follow. improvements would maybe some sort of role play video of the sorts of scenarios you could find yourself in and whats the best action to take etc. but all the extra supplies are also very useful



Interesting Course

The Lone Worker Safety Training Course was really interesting and knowledgeable. It helped me understand more if I get into a situation or come across one where I might need to control or help others. Other topics on the course were helpful too when being a Lone Worker, things to make you safe in a work environment.

