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5 star

good course

Not a fan of multiple short videos.

You lose time in pressing play. Having ability to watch at 1.5x speed would help as they speak slowly (understandably for some, but frustrating for high achievers, quick readers/learners). Lots of the content was just common sense.

It was too long

The course was too long, even with the breaks, I found myself distracted and almost nodding off. Perhaps it can be split into two courses.

All goid

All good

Good training

Very good. It increased my sense of reasoning and to be more vigilant.

Brilliant course.

I have now done all of the six courses I was asked to do. I have enjoyed doing all of them. I found them interesting, extremely useful for the type of work I am doing and given me confidence in some area`s where I was lacking in confidence. Thank you so much.

Very good

I feel this covered a wide range for working alone I have worded alone for many years I appreciate little reminders for my own safety This is a good course for new starters

Common sense but good to refresh

all practical stuff

easy to follow and understand

Common sense and logical but we can all get complacent. Good referesher.

Very relevant to all life situations

I think the course covers every senario and relevant to most situations Very good course