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Very interesting and eye opening course.

The course opens your mind and allows you to see things that otherwise you wouldn't be thinking of. Yes its all common sense, but is it?…………… The course encourages you to be vigilant and on the lookout for any kind of mishaps.

Very informative

The coarse was easy to understand and I have learnt a lot


This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Very informative with latest information

Helps in your personal life as well as workplace

A very clear and well presented course.

Very clear and full of information; very thorough ad excellently presented and delivered It didn't cover sexual harassment or attacks and I am wondering if this is covered in a separate training?

Relatively pointless

Just common sense really

Course too long.

The content of the course involved instructing people to use their own common sense and could be condensed to a shorter format.

very long

this training needs to be shorter and more to the point, people will lose the importance of this training.

Good course

Hi thank you for giving the chance to do this course. An educational course that covered a wide range of daily aspects and situations that the employees would find themselves in ,it is refreshing and dealt with problems with common sense.I found it very helpful .as I am getting older and wiser,these are the good tips I need to face whal life might throw on me .grey course teasing and enjoyable .thank you

Very helpful

Helped me very mucy