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Informative and helpful

A reminder of awkward or dangerous situations you may take for granted and how to help ensure your safety.

Relatively easy to follow, but too long.

I am visually impaired. alot of the content was relevant, however, as a none-car driver, I didn't really need to complete that section, so would have preferred an option to skip. Also a lot of points covered in the training require an understanding of how to respond to visual stiumlus, ie body gesture or need to be able to see what's going on to judge how 'safe' a situation is. This is ok but I think i t would be good to perhaps add in something that recognises that some people 1 in 4 have impairments and accessibility requirements and may need to consider diffeent things in order to keep themselves as safe as they can in lone working situations

A very useful course.

It was a very well thought through training course, and it reminded me of some actions that should and should not be under taken whilst on my own.

Slightly f;awed

Very professional module, but thought it was weighted far too much in the risks created by other persons. There was very little about managing the hazards and risks of working truly alone and how to mange the intrinsic risks of the task being undertaken with no-one else about..

Clearly presented

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good and interesting course.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

A good insight into Lone Worker Safety

The instructions were clear and concise, useful ideas for what to do as a lone worker in an emergency situation.

Lone working

A very good unit to complete, even with the common sense element, I liked the presentation about checking in on your wellbeing even whilst doing the course. Good to know about the feeling isolated as a lone worker too, when so many are now working alone from home, the sense of isolation takes a while to creep in, so this was a good indicator to look after yourself.


Good content but I would suggest greater exploration of deescalation techniques both before and during a incident. Consider removing the literal "Trigger Warning" language used and stick to the standard "you may find the following upsetting" warning when discussing content, as the former is reasonably associated with a lot of exploitative overly sensitive behavior and politics in a growing sphere of the population. Though I would add the aforementioned warnings seem redundant when its part of the point of the training course, just saying at the start "we will be discussing subjects that some may find upsetting" if you really need to at the very beginning and leave it at that.


This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars